Hello, Both my mother and father's side of the family have hidden their Jewish roots out of fear. My mother's side hid in the mid 1800's during the reformations in Germany, and my father's side much earlier than that. I recently found that some family members knew that we were of a Jewish heritage, but did not tell other family members. I have cousins on my mothers side, who are practicing Judaism and who say that they always knew, but my mother's mother never told any of us that her family and even her husband's family, (my grandfather), came from a Jewish heritage. My father's paternal line is Levi, but they lost their practice of Judaism some time ago, and I can not pinpoint when that was. My parents and I have felt very strong ties to Judaism all of my life, and my mother remembers asking her mother about it when she was a child also. We have all always felt Jewish, if I may put it that way, and our "religious" beliefs are perfectly in line with Judaism, although until recently we never went to synagogue. I have been attending Torah study for a few weeks now. My question is this: I wish to return and help my family return to actively practicing Judaism. Must I convert, or is our "history" sufficient to be considered already Jewish? Is there such an understanding of "returning"? What are the official positions on this? ( I seem to find conflicting information on this subject) Thank you, Shaun.

Hi again, I'd tried to email back re the response that you sent me to your question but it got kicked back to me, saying the address is not monitored. Here's the content of the email I tried to send---if there's anyway you can further respond:, I realize that the issue of premarital sex and mikkveh are rather intense for an email, and I will consider calling Rav Cohen. To be honest, however, I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing so. The fact that this email made it possible for me to ask the question in the first place! . I know we're not supposed to be having premarital sex, but we are, so we'd prefer to be as halachic about the situation as possible. My boyfriend thinks it's pretty clear in the gemora I should be going to mikveh, etc, but I'd like to hear more. If there is anyway you could say more, I'd REALLY appreciate it. Apologies if I'm asking for too much. Miriam

If an unmarried Jewish couple is having relations, should they follow the laws of niddah and should the woman go to the mikveh? (I know you'll say an unmarried Jewish couple should not being having relations, but if they are going to do so, what should be done?)

May I order free tzedaka boxes from the JNF (Jewish National Fund) for use in collecting tzedaka for other organizations or is that considered improper business practices? (e.g. 'fooling' the JNF by giving them the impression that I will be collecting JNF money with their boxes they're giving out for free and instead using it for another organization) .

If an unmarried Jewish couple is having relations, should they follow the laws of niddah and should the woman go to the mikveh? (I know you'll say an unmarried Jewish couple should not being having relations, but if they are going to do so, what should be done?)