Is there any rule regarding usage of liquid soap in a kosher enviroment?

Hi, Thank you for offering this service. I have one or two questions: In the arrangement of the Tenach, the book of Daniel is not grouped with the other prophets. Why is this? Is it true that in the Hebrew language each female noun has a male counterpart that it represents the progenitor of? (i.e. - melachah, melak; adamah, adam, etc) Also is there any evidence that the Hebrew language came into being all at once, rather than being built slowly by scribes? (ok, three questions!) Thank you for any help with these. I look forward to hearing from you. Would rather not my name published. Shabbat shalom, Laura

Hi, Thank you for offering this service. I have one or two questions: In the arrangement of the Tenach, the book of Daniel is not grouped with the other prophets. Why is this? Is it true that in the Hebrew language each female noun has a male counterpart that it represents the progenitor of? (i.e. - melachah, melak; adamah, adam, etc) Also is there any evidence that the Hebrew language came into being all at once, rather than being built slowly by scribes? (ok, three questions!) Thank you for any help with these. I look forward to hearing from you. Would rather not my name published. Shabbat shalom, Laura

my mother is in the hospital on a ventilator. She has been told she will never be able to go home. She is awake and aware of what is going on around her and she can talk, but will not make a decision as wheher to go to a hospital 200 + miles away to live out her life, or to taken off the ventalator now and medicated to releave any pain and die now. The doctors are not talking very much about the move to another hospital now, only the medication. They want answers from her children. I do not want a easy answer. I want to know what my answer should be, according to G-d. please help. Teri