Understanding Rambam (cont. ii)
Dear Rabbi, Thank you for your prompt replies and suggestions. You wrote to me thus: ...I suggest that you try to obtain a copy of the Mishna Torah in English so that you can study it at your leisure. The third volume is Hilchot Avodat Kochavim and it can be purchased through: http://www.milechai.com/product/mishnehT.html and they will be happy to ship it to your address. Another recommendation is that you contact the office at Gateways: http://www.gatewaysonline.com or office@gatewaysonline.com to make inquiries about seminars and classes in your area where you will have the opportunity to ask all of your questions and to receive answers from qualified scholars who are experts in this subject The onlyt complaint I have, and you have redeemed your collieague in this regard with you attention and promptness, is that I have attended Gateways seminars, and did in fact email Rabbi Becher this same question. His reply, even though I mentioned that I had attended his lectures, and bought his Talmud and other CD's, was that he didn't want to bother getting involved with internet jew hatred, which I mentioned was the reason I was asking the question. And it bothered me, that he wouldn't take the time to give me the translation and or book cites as you did- so- I do attest to your redeeming hiis not showing me the courtesy of a reply. This bothered me, his reaction, but then that is so common, and you, is rather a rather more generous and open suggestion and helpfulness than I've received from 'authorities' in any such matters. So I offer my thanks for your helping me answer my question and directing towards source material. Regards Mark Goldberg