Does the Torah talk about suffering?

If you have a family member who you do not agree that he is upbringing is son correctly and you give him advise to which he says he is my son I bring him up as I please. The child is 16 yrs. old has no friends except when he sees his cousins once in a long while, and plays video games. Have I done my duty and now any heavenly judgement is over his head?

Dear Rabbi, Yesterday someone told me that Jews also worship a Doll(Crucified Jesus) like Cristians do. On that moment I object and disagree with him. But he is reapeting these but fail to mention the name of the Doll. I said jews never did or do such thing, I will ask Rabbi and tell you later the details. Please make this clear to me. As I know our creator never forgive a Doll worshiper. (From Torah and Koran) Thank you. Shamim

Does the Torah talk about suffering?

If you have a family member who you do not agree that he is upbringing is son correctly and you give him advise to which he says he is my son I bring him up as I please. The child is 16 yrs. old has no friends except when he sees his cousins once in a long while, and plays video games. Have I done my duty and now any heavenly judgement is over his head?