Rabbi, this is a personal question. Is it possible for a gentile to be a Jew? This question has a great deal of importance to me. I was raised a catholic but all during my life, I had mostly Jewish friends. I went through all the motions on being a catholic but never really practiced my faith. As I grew to adulthood, I gravitated towards no religion and felt lost. My best friends who are Jewish joke with me about how I am a “better” Jew than they are. I have worked for a Jewish Day School in the secular department for the past eight years and as soon as I started working there, I loved my job and always felt like I was home. I learned so much and became overwhelmed with the wonderfulness and prayers that we said during school. I have become voracious about wanting to know more and find that my interests lean towards reading all books about Israel and the Jewish people. I feel it in my heart and soul when I hear our students saying their brachas and singing to Hashem. I really cannot explain how much it means to me nor how important it is to me to follow the Jewish religion. I recently had an experience that I must explain. I had an animal that is very close to me get very sick and thought that if I said a prayer it would help. I tried to say a Catholic prayer but I just could not - no explanation. I did though pray to Hashem to give me the wisdom to handle the situation and I knew that this was to be. My heart felt at peace. I am afraid that I am not making myself very clear but hope that you, Rabbi in your wisdom can see to my heart and help me answer my question. The one thing that I neglected to tell you is that I was adopted at the age of two. I was born after the war ended and they told me that I am 59 years old (born October 1946). I was put up for adoption by Catholic Charities that is why I was raised Catholic. Is it possible that not all Jews are born as Jews?

Hello, I live approximately 65 miles away from where I work. I do this commute about twice a week - sometimes more, sometimes less and I tele-commute the rest of the days. What is the Halacha with respect to saying Birkat Haderekh and Birkat Ha-Gomel (i.e. how often if at all I need to say them)? If there is a difference between Ashkenazi or Sephardic Halacha, I would appreciate the Sephardic version. Thank you very much.

What is the best way to clean a new shofar that has a fairly strong scent. I am afraid vinegar may hurt it. I also am not sure how long I can soak it. I do not want to dishonor the shofar but need to minimize the smell. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

If a Jewish couple have been divorced for many years and the man remarries out of the faith, is he still able to be called to the Torah on his son's barmitzvah? Many thanks