Good afternoon. My question is about the laws of eruv. I live in a new community that does not have an eruv, although there is supposedly one being done in the near future. Based on the logistics the only way to enclose my house within the eruv, the eruv would have to also enclose a nearby farm. My rabbi says that the eruv will not be kosher if the farm is within the eruv because it is not traversable. My question is, is there any way to enclose this farm while still keeping the eruv kosher?

I have a question. During the weekday amidah, there is a part that is said until December 4th and another part that starts december 5th. I the siddur was written so long ago, how would the rabbis have known about the modern day calender? Is there something special about the 5th of December?

Can you tell me the source for something I once heard. I was told that after 120 years, when a person goes up to shomayim, the first question they ask him/her is if they made any shidduchim in their lifetime. Can you tell me where in the Talmud/Gemara, etc., this is written? Thank you for your help. Mrs. G.

Is there any general consensus or understanding about heaven and/or hell in Judaism?

Starting in 1972, just about every year after, a LEAP SECOND has been added to the clock per yr. ~28+ seconds (???), this demonstrates how the Earth is slowing down in rotation. Therefore, that means the Earth spun much faster 4000 to 6000 yrs ago. I was wondering if this slowing has anything do with the Hebrew Calendar having only 28 days...did the Earth spin so fast that the year had twelve months 28 days long? (28days X 12 months = one year) Did God create 28 day months in the beginning since the creation week? I understand the number #28 has a "religious" significance to the Jewish/Hebrew Torah (???) do you have any insight to share on the Hebrew Calendar and 28 day cycles??? Thank You & God Bless, eddie sandoval grad student PSU "Eddie"