Six months ago my daughter married an orthodox man (27 years old). We are a conservative family. My relationship with her has not been the same since she wed which makes us both very unhappy. Her husband is a very harsh and argumentative person and I try to stay away for that reason. He called me today and told me that it is my fault that my daughter has not yet gotten pregnant. That because we are not as close as we used to be, that somehow I have now become the blame for this. I tried to explain to him that they have only been trying for 6 months, and sometimes it takes longer, but he would not hear anything about it. He went on to tell me what a terrible mother I am, and when they do one day have children that I will not be able to see them. My question to you is, how can I handle this situation? I am devistated by his comments.

Dear, Rabbi Shalom. I am cathloic and wanting to convert over to being Jewish what is the difference between being Jewish than cathloic? And what are the steps that I have to take to convert over? Toda. Marijane

Dear Rabbi Lauffer, Thank you for responding to my question. But I was not talking about the claims of Jesus being the messiah or not. My question is simply "why does a jewish person cease being jewish if he believes the teachings of Jesus?" There are some fairly odd (from a non-jewish perspective) groups among jewish people through history from the spiritualists to those who are in all respects "agnostics". Yet they all remain acceptably jewish. But let a "jewish" man accept the teachings of Jesus, and somehow *poof* he is no longer a jewish man. If his family finds out, then he can be disowned and shunned, even if he still worships in the synagogue and follows all the religious duties. This is strange is it not? Have a great day! Brad Johnson

what can you tell me about lilith. i've heard it relating to adam , that it's 'another wife' of his, something relating to witches or demons. thank you. dg