Do you have the English words for the song "Rock of Ages'? I believe the Hebrew title is "Maoz Tzur". It's rather urgent so I would appreciate your answer as soon as possible. Thank You. Fay

Can a baby be named for a nonobservant Jew? Can a non observant jew be a sandek?

Hello, Does Hanukkah start this year on the eve of Dec. 25th? Are there any particular prayers to be said as the candles are lighted? Are they different each night? Which renditions of the Hanukkah story do you like best? Thanks

what can be considered the first incident/s of antisemitic, or shall we say antiJewish act or/and demonstration of hatred towords Jewish ideas and way of life? Is it right to assum that haterd towords the Jewish phylosophy of life precedes the emergens of Jews as a nation or as individual?