why did Avrham have to marry Hagar in the firt place?Why not just have one wife Sarah? If Hagar was a righteous person then how is it that the Arab nation came out of her, the nation that is causing the Jews so much trouble? Thanks for this great survace

hiI have just met my son twice after not being in touch for 8 yeares and feel that it is premature to ask him to accompany me to such a seminar for the following reasons . A. I havent yet given him sufficiant reason to be intrested in Judaism B. He might not feel that close to me yet as wanting to join me on such a seminar . C. His mom might have conditioned him against Judaism so its unlikely that he will jump on the first offer to attend a Judaic seminar. D. I dont want to antoginize/alarm the mom into thinking I am right away trying to make my son frum as i have another 17 years old son still living with her. (My ex was a BT for several years before she left religion alltogether so she will percieve what I am trying to do).While I will try to send him the book you suggested (I also offered to send him another book "Fingerprints on the Universe" but still havent heard back from him yet), is there any "appetizires of thought " that you can offer to intrest him to want to attend such a seminar?Thanks for your time,

In Exodus chapter 32 and verse 32 what does this mean "sin__"? I have heard that the Zohor states that Moses was in such agony praying for the pople that he spoke to God in God's language.Also that the Zohor states that when Aaron went into the Holy of Holies he spoke to God in God's language also.Is this true?And also what is the Zohor?I have heard it is a Holy Book of the law only for the Rabbis.I love the Israeli people.Thank God for them.I am a Christian and believe in the same God you believe in.I know Him to be the only God. Thank you for taking these questions and hope to hear from you soon. If there is a Zohor book how could I get information on it? Thank you, Janice

Thank You for your response.  I believe in a literal 6 day creation. And a young age of the Earth, so since the Earth is slowing in rotation I wonder if 6000 thousand yrs ago since the Earth spun faster, the Gravity & therefore the barometric pressure was greater with the faster spin...maybe spin does affect Gravity...and that might be why the moon is moving away from the Earth...I do think the Moon has much to do with the weather & Earthquakes.Consider since the Earth & the Sun are slowing the Earth is moving away from the Sun & the moon is moving away from the Earth...6000yrs ago the Solar system WAS in perfect orbits for Earth to have been a paradise & since SIN everything has been cursed and falling apart.With decreased gravity we have decreased barometric pressure, decreased oxygen concentrations since the atmosphere is expanding...consider in the High Andes the Indians living at high altitudes had thicker oxygen not that long ago since the Earth has slowed since those days hundreds of yrs ago...and 4 thousand yrs ago before Noah's Flood broke-up the plates and oceans of water coming out of the Earth are now splashing around the Earths surface the planet is slowing at a faster rate since it is more egg-shaped after the WWF.Dinosaurs were able to grow larger under Earth conditions of richer oxygen (6 to 4K yrs ago) & increased barometric pressures that came with a faster spin of the Earth with the moon closer to the Earth and the Earth closer to the Sun...all in a perfect Inhabital Zone created and tuned by God Almighty.New question:Since the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. has God left the Orthodox Jews without a way to attone for sine for the last 2000yrs???Or is Jesus Christ the WAY..."Eddie"