When my wife does the laundry, she puts my tsitsis in a nylon mesh bag to keep them from getting tangled. However, the knots still become loose. On closer inspection, I noticed that the final knot is what in Boy Scouts we used to call a "granny" knot, that is, an incorrectly tied square knot. A granny knot is easy to loosen. A square knot is easy to keep tight. They are both tied using two "overhand" knots, but a square knot is "right over left and under; left over right and under". Can I retie the tsitsis using square knots? Thank you.

Dear, Rabbi Shalom. Is it a requirement that Jewish women in today's world to have long hair? And dose it have to be a certian color? And what color? And if a Jewish woman hsa short hair can she still wear a sznood?

Did the conflict between Israel and Palestine stem from the conflict between Isaac and Esav in the Torah?

What is the torah portion for shabbat services Jan 19th and 20th 2007? Just wondering what my sons torah portion will be.

Good afternoon. My question is about the laws of eruv. I live in a new community that does not have an eruv, although there is supposedly one being done in the near future. Based on the logistics the only way to enclose my house within the eruv, the eruv would have to also enclose a nearby farm. My rabbi says that the eruv will not be kosher if the farm is within the eruv because it is not traversable. My question is, is there any way to enclose this farm while still keeping the eruv kosher?