Hello, Does Hanukkah start this year on the eve of Dec. 25th? Are there any particular prayers to be said as the candles are lighted? Are they different each night? Which renditions of the Hanukkah story do you like best? Thanks

what can be considered the first incident/s of antisemitic, or shall we say antiJewish act or/and demonstration of hatred towords Jewish ideas and way of life? Is it right to assum that haterd towords the Jewish phylosophy of life precedes the emergens of Jews as a nation or as individual?

Dear Rabbi Reuven Lauffer, In my previous letter I want to know the Hebrew Translation of 'THE LIGHT OF HUMAN BEING' And 'CLEVER AMONG BROTHERS' I thing I coulsnot express myself. So now please inform it. By the way I Icame to know the meaning of Anosh, Nahoor, Nohshon, Akhim from in november. Thank you Shamim

Dear Rabbi Moshe Newman, It's a long time since I called you. I completed TORAH (Bangla Version, The only available copy). So now I have some questions. First of all Why don't you preach your religion? Look what Cristians do. I think that you will be more successful than them. I convinced after reading TORAH. I will ask more question in my next letters. Thank you Shamim