tRabbi Laufer, thank you for answering my question about lilith. Putting lilith into google gets some interesting results. Are any of these ideas jewish? A non jewsih friend had to do a report for school, and brought this up. they used info from the google search, but I couldn’t tell her if it was Christian or jewish based info. Thx.

What is significant about placing notes ini the Kotel? Are any explanations beyond the story of Azulai?

Dear, Rabbi Shalom. What is a married Jewish women's proper dress code ? And can a Jewish woman wear jeans and dress slacks ? Toda: Mariane Wright

Six months ago my daughter married an orthodox man (27 years old). We are a conservative family. My relationship with her has not been the same since she wed which makes us both very unhappy. Her husband is a very harsh and argumentative person and I try to stay away for that reason. He called me today and told me that it is my fault that my daughter has not yet gotten pregnant. That because we are not as close as we used to be, that somehow I have now become the blame for this. I tried to explain to him that they have only been trying for 6 months, and sometimes it takes longer, but he would not hear anything about it. He went on to tell me what a terrible mother I am, and when they do one day have children that I will not be able to see them. My question to you is, how can I handle this situation? I am devistated by his comments.