Why do Jewish men wear a Tsitsis?

can a parent tell people a new baby's name in the days before the bris?

1. Dear Rabbi: I have a question: (My ex-wife) Pam’s biological family was not Jewish. Pam’s second husband was Jewish and he adopted her. Pam had a Bat Mitzvah (/). She attended Hillel. We were married by a reform rabbi and Jacob was circumcised. He has a jewish name. I know this issue of “Jewishness” varies from reform to Orthodox. I am not sure how to handle this but I think it is best taken care of when is young. I think Pam is now celebrating Christmas to spite me although I doubt she is going to church. Her husband is not Jewish. It has been suggested that I take him to a Mikvah. Others say if the father is Jewish then that makes the child Jewish (it is not always the mother). Maybe you can consult with a colleague. Currently I am reform going toward Conservative Judaism. Thank you. Reid Flamer

Hi Rabbi, I need help! For the past 3 years I have been struggling financially to keep current with all my obligations. I have fallen behind badly. I am 40 years old with B'H a wonderful wife and gorgeous children. For as long as I remember, everything in my life went my way. Not necessarily with an over abundance of wealth but always comfortable. 4 years ago our business was forced to close because of a vendors bad debt. My brother and I had no choice but to separate our partnership and start again. We both stayed in the same business. He is doing well and I have been struggling badly. It seems like since we departed everything I do doesn't seem to go my way. I have been falling into a depression. I haven't gone to my morning Gemera class for 4 months.(I have been for 5 years) I feel my tefilah is worthless because of lack of Kavanah. Worse yet, I have not prayed since, or wore tefilin since Monday. Please give me words of wisdom and inspiration i feel like commiting spiritual suicide Mr Hope.

Hello Rabbi, If a jew handles a non kosher / forbidden food is there any barakha or action that needs to be taken. I recently won a dinner cart from cold storage and on the way discovered that there was pork (ham) inside. Though I gave it away to my non jewish friend, i still dont feel good that i handled it. Is there anything i can do to feel clean again. As an extended question, I would also request your advice as what should one do in a gathering or canteen where people join in on the same table with non kosher food / ham etc. Please Please advice....regards....Reuben Moses