Rabbi Lauffer, Thank you for your quick reply. My husband (an oncologist/ hematologist) has a patient who has been on beef insulin for over 30 years, so she never changed over to the newer stuff because the old stuff worked well for her. She does keep strict kosher. When my husband was telling me about her case I asked if she was allowed to have the pork insulin and he didn't know. He didn't know if she ate dairy either. She apparently eats steak 4 times a day to help deal with an iron problem. She might not eat dairy at all. On a related issue...Would someone who kept kosher be able to receive an organ from a pig? On a non-related issue... What is the Jewish view on embryonic stem cell research? Thank you for your time! Sharon Damsker

is the morning after pill permitted in situations that the halacha would allow the use of standard birth control pills being that it works the same way many standard birth control pills work it does not allow the embreo to implant in the uterus. The morning after pill is actually 8-10 doses of the standard birth control pill

My question is: "Am I a Jew?" My mother's family is entirely Jewish. Her grandfather was a well-known rabbi in England. My father was not Jewish and I was raised as a Christian although I later left the church. Many years ago I was told by some Orthodox Jews that I am a Jew because my mother was Jewish. Later a Jewish friend of my family told me that this is not true because my mother became a Christian (joined the Anglican Church) before her marriage to my father. I have often wondered about what would be the official answer to this question from a rabbinical perspective. Many people have assumed that I am Jewish by my appearance and the fact that I live in a community with a significant Jewish population. In some ways I feel that I am between two worlds. Thank you in advance for any answer you can offer me.

i was fortunate enough to see Rabbi Rietti at palm beach orthodox synagogue recently. i have never been so moved... does he have a book or tapes or anything dealing with lettting go of the past. i felt a great impact aftr his seron but i need more to help meget on with now and the future. he was amazing and i need more of his influence. is this possible?? i hope.

Moses predicted the corruption/tampering of the Law in Deuteronomy 31:25-29 The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption?? if that is true how can we know what part of the the book is true and what part is false???