If you put a tray of chicken in the oven, covered or uncovered, and you put on the same shelf, or near it a pareve trat of kugel, or vegetables, do the vegetables become meat only and does the dish or tray the vegetables become meat only??

Can an insulin dependent diabetic who keeps kosher use insulin with pork product in it? The alternative is insulin with beef product. If they get insulin with beef product , can they never eat dairy? Thanks, Sharon

Recently, I've been struggled with the awful lows of depression and the uncomfortable highs of mania. I've sought comfort from the Jewish community. One of my favorite sections of the synagogue service is where the Mi Sheberach prayer is recited; it really resonates with me. I frequently say the prayer for family members and ill friends, but is there ever an appropriate way to ask a dear friend to say a Mi Sheberach for me? Does this act have any precedent in Jewish tradition, or is it better not to request this of someone who would otherwise do it for me?

1. Is it an indisputable canon of Halachic rabbinical law that a site of land that contains the remains of Jews (e.g. only minute remnants of bones and/or ashes) unlawfully killed should be classified as a "cemetery"? If not, what is such a site of land to be classified as? 2. Is it also an indisputable canon of Halachic rabbinical law that such minute remains, albeit so small as to be unidentifiable individually on such a site of land, must not be "disturbed" in any way and for any purpose whatsoever? 3. Is is therefore "permissible", or even "required" - or NOT as the case may be - that at such sites of land there should be erected or created forms of Jewish memorials? A detailed answer, with reference to relevant sources, would be much appreciated. Thankyou.