when/how do we know that God's answer to our prayer is NO.

my question is my dad past away on January 5th, 2005 & I received a card from the chapel,as a reminder to light a Yortzeit candle . But the date on the Reminder they sent is Monday, January 23, 2006 (24 Tevet). When should we light the yarzeit candle?

My question is what day should you go shul (synagogue) on the day of death or on the day of Monday, January 23, 2006.That was sent to us from the chapel?

What is the correct order of observing Shabbat. For example, light Shabbat Candles, attend shul, come home wash hands, say hamotsei, say bracha for wine, eat???

Why would G-d want to keep His revealed Will confined to the small number of Jewish people instead of giving His Torah to the whole world or making the Jews greater in number?