What is the correct order of observing Shabbat. For example, light Shabbat Candles, attend shul, come home wash hands, say hamotsei, say bracha for wine, eat???

Why would G-d want to keep His revealed Will confined to the small number of Jewish people instead of giving His Torah to the whole world or making the Jews greater in number?

Dear Rabbi, In a USY service last week, I was asked to write a dvar torah about the parsha this week for this shabbat. Do you know of any intresting topics I could talk about? Sincerely, Gabe

I Am an orthodox Jewish girl that is attending college which is a Jewish college that is only for girls. However my spirtiual mentor is telling me that college is wrong- and that a lot of gedolim in our times actually prohibit Jews to attending college. I know this is not a black and white issue. However I really want to know why college CAN BE an issue. I want to know all the negative aspects of college.. and why some gedolim are not pro college. And is getting a degree for "hishtadlos" for "parnasa" wrong?? please answer. Thank you.