Dear rabbi, I'm in troubled waters at home. My wife a habitual lashon hara speaker, she speaks badly about my parents and her friends and even uses power terms sometimes. I tried many things to make her change the habit and now I'm getting desperate. About 3 months ago I started screaming at her, but even this does not help. I tried reasoning, I gave her books on loshon hara (including Chofetz Chaim), I sent her to lessons on the subject, I told her I don't want her to speak loshon hara, I screamed at her. Nothing and I mean Nothing is working there is not even a slight improvement. I'm really desperate, what more except for maybe hitting her can I do ? Kind regards Rafael

why jewish sit shivah after someone past away?

If you put a tray of chicken in the oven, covered or uncovered, and you put on the same shelf, or near it a pareve trat of kugel, or vegetables, do the vegetables become meat only and does the dish or tray the vegetables become meat only??