Rabbi Lauffer, Thank you for your quick reply. My husband (an oncologist/ hematologist) has a patient who has been on beef insulin for over 30 years, so she never changed over to the newer stuff because the old stuff worked well for her. She does keep strict kosher. When my husband was telling me about her case I asked if she was allowed to have the pork insulin and he didn't know. He didn't know if she ate dairy either. She apparently eats steak 4 times a day to help deal with an iron problem. She might not eat dairy at all. On a related issue...Would someone who kept kosher be able to receive an organ from a pig? On a non-related issue... What is the Jewish view on embryonic stem cell research? Thank you for your time! Sharon Damsker

If you put a tray of chicken in the oven, covered or uncovered, and you put on the same shelf, or near it a pareve trat of kugel, or vegetables, do the vegetables become meat only and does the dish or tray the vegetables become meat only??

Can an insulin dependent diabetic who keeps kosher use insulin with pork product in it? The alternative is insulin with beef product. If they get insulin with beef product , can they never eat dairy? Thanks, Sharon