1. If every thing that happens is the will of G-D, does that mean that a child who is abused, is abused bec. G-D wants that to happen? 2. Should an orthodox jew buy these segulah/kemeiahs (like the hand with G-ds name, are they to be taken seriously??? Thank you for your time, I eagerly await a response. C.K

Thank you.But when you say spirituality is something that "must be aspired to and toiled over", it seems to conflict with the notion of legacy, that Jews by dint of being born Jews have a spiritual superiority, placed higher than the gentile in the spiritual hierarchy. I understand that they, the chosen Jews, must still labor toward becoming spiritual; but you state that they are from the start on a higher ground, with greater potential. My main qustion has not been fully answered. I still don't understand why hashem would want to sustain a world, and in fact will such a world into being, whereupon less than one percent of human beings are aware of his torah or commandments. Why would hashem want such a tiny minority to be receptive to and have access to the truth of torah?????Yours Truly,Valerie Schweiter

What Torah text refers to Kedushah?

Is there a concept of having a somewhat muted celebration by the bris because of the suffering of the baby?

How does Lubavitch (philosphy, practice, and followers) differ from mainstream Orthodoxy? What is the basis for the claim that the late Rebbe is/was Mashiach?