BS"D Dear Rabbi Would you be able to tell me how the cameras of the old city of Jerusalem are designed, in order to not present a halachic isuue for Shabbos? Or perhaps put me in touch with someone that can answer this question?

I am a 26 year old FFB and in the last couple of years I have had a lot of philosophical questions.I need someone who I can speak to who can give me answers.The questions I have are not simple cause I have spoken to Rabbayim and they dont seem to have answers or at leat answers that I can understood.Do you have any suggestions?Thanks

This is a followup to my last question answered by Rabbi Newman. Can I call Rabbi Newman in Israel to discuss my questions as I have already asked a few of them to Rabbi Becher and I dont want to bother him too much.Thanks

Dear Rabbi, I get Hebrew letter from internet. I want to write my neme in hebrew. As my name is Habibur Rahman Shamim IS IT LIKE He-Alef-Bet-Ayin-Bet-Vav-Resh Resh-Alef-He-Mem-Alef-Nun Shin-Alef-Mem-Ayin-Mem (From Right To Left). Is it correct? If not what it would be? If I want to become a Jew how can it be possible? Thank you Shamim