hello mi name is david i ahve one uqestion how i do to travel and live on israel to work an understand this great country pliss help me

The second paragraph of the Shema states in no uncertain terms that reward will come if we follow the Mitzvot and punishment if we disobey the commandments. Does this not impose on our free will? It seems similar to the midrashic mountain that G-d held over our heads at Sinai? Looking forward to your response, Adam

is it true that an unmarried jewish male is regarded with disdain? if so what if it is because he does not have the financial means to support a wife?

Hi, Lately I've been to on a trip to the US. During my journey I've mistakenly eaten bacon. I've been feeling bad about that ever since, and I currently feel that god is punishing me for it since a lot of bad things had happened to be. How can I "fix" my mistake according to Jewish religion?

Shalom, Thanks for this wonderful web-site and the opportunity to consult you. Would you please tell me why Rosh Hashana is considered the first of the year, and for how long it has been considered that. I know it's called the Feast of Trumpets in the Tanach. It confuses me that the Biblical first month (Nissan?) isn't celebrated as such. Todah rabah. Rex