B"H I was discussing the Tu B'Shevat seder with a friend, and he informed me that there is concern that the tradition comes from a Shabbatain (did I get that right?) practice. I looked it up, and discovered that it comes from Sefer Hemdat Yamim. So I guess my question is, "Who wrote Sefer Hemdat Yamim?" I can't seem to find anything about this online. Shavua Tov, Aliya

I was in Australia and I maid a “Hafsek tehora” last week Tuesday, I left Australia on Sunday morning and I arrived to new york today, Sunday evening, could I go to the Mikva on Monday , since Had already seven sunsets, or I have to wait till Tuesday?

I'm a Jew. Am I allowed to be gay? Because I fancy a guy. Please help by replying quickly even though it's Shabbat.

I have recently converted to Judaism and I have a longterm girlfriend. I dont know how she'll react when I tell her and I was wondering if there is an easy way I could tell her? Please help, Killa

I have recently converted to Judaism and I am gay. Is this permitted in judaism?