Isaiah 56:3
I am a B'nei Noachic and I was wondering if you could help me with some questions that I have. I want to thank you for your time and your help it is very much appreciated. In the Stone Edition of the Tanach, Isaiah 56:3 states: “Let not the foreigner, who has joined himself to HASHEM, speak, saying HASHEM will utterly separate me from His people’;” Also, in Everyman’s Tulmud by Abraham Cohen on page 63 states: “Hence even a Gentile who obeys the Torah is the equal of the High Priest’ (Sifra to xviii. 5).” And in Everyman’s Tulmud by Abraham Cohen on page 65 states: “To the Gentile who were not prepared to enter the fold of Judaism, a moral code, known as the seven commandments of the sons of Noah, was offered.” My question or questions are: Is the foreigner who has joined himself to HASHEM in Isaiah chapter 56 a full convert to Judaism or a B’nei Noach? If he is a full convert to Judaism and he is no longer considered a Gentile, then who is the Gentile who obeys the Torah that is equal of the High Priest, the B’nei Noach? Is a B’nei Noach joined to HASHEM? If so is it then permissible for a B’nei Noach to obey more of the Torah or is the B’nei Noach only joined to HASHEM by the seven Noahic commandments? Sincerely, Russell Kirk Waco, Texas