what does the bible say about the act of having the body cremated

Dear Rabbi: I need the names of biblical couples whose names start with the same letter. Must be referenced in Sefer Bereishis, or Parshios Shmos or Vaeyra (text, Midrash, Rashi, wherever) Like - Noach/Naama; Aaron/Elisheva Any more you can think of? Thanks for helping! Barry Farkas

Why is Moshe considered the greatest of navi? Avraham followed every command from Hashem without question; leaving his family, wandering from place to place, sending one wife and son into the desert, offering a second son as a sacrifice. Moshe, on the other hand is constantly questioning, if not outright challenging Hashem. "I can't talk to Pharoah", "The people won't listen to me", "We have to go WHERE without a map?" I am obviously missing the key piece that elevates Moshe over the rest. What is that piece or pieces? Thanks.

Dear Rabbi: I need the names of biblical couples whose names start with the same letter. Must be referenced in Sefer Bereishis, or Parshios Shmos or Vaeyra (text, Midrash, Rashi, wherever) Like - Noach/Naama; Aaron/Elisheva Any more you can think of? Thanks for helping! Barry Farkas

Why is Moshe considered the greatest of navi? Avraham followed every command from Hashem without question; leaving his family, wandering from place to place, sending one wife and son into the desert, offering a second son as a sacrifice. Moshe, on the other hand is constantly questioning, if not outright challenging Hashem. "I can't talk to Pharoah", "The people won't listen to me", "We have to go WHERE without a map?" I am obviously missing the key piece that elevates Moshe over the rest. What is that piece or pieces? Thanks.