I have a question regarding the Hebrew language. I do not yet speak it, but the word '-et and 'et- as found in Genesis 1:1, Genesis1:27, Genesis 2:7-8. The word has no translation into English so what is the idea that the word attempt to convey? Is the word hyphenated along with another word, such as a verb, in order to point to the next direct object? if so, does this word proced the verb or how is this decided? Thanks, Michael

Can you tell me if we are allowed to hand up a needlepoing of "The Serenity Prayer?" It has G-D in it but the letter "O" is included. Can it be hung up if the "O" is removed? Thank you very much. Most sincerely, Margaret

Are there any jewish traditions or laws that stipulate that a child who is named after a deceased relative has rights to or is obligated to accept property from that relative's estate? My mother in-law insists that it is jewish tradition that my 13 month old son should accept an antique sterling silver coffee/tea service set because he is named after the person who owned it at one time. Please reply and let us know if any such tradition really exists. Thank you for your time. Sarah and David Corekin

My wife and I are planning on having a baby and have been trying for the past 5 months. We partake in family purity and she goes to the Mikvah every month. Her cycle has been pretty irregular. What are we to do if she ovulates prior to going to the Mikvah?

According to orthodox tradition, is oral sex allowed for a married couple?