I saw a very large purple banner on Delancey Street, which is what brings me to you. I understood the banner to mean ask ANYTHING or does it mean just religion-related questions. Actually, I am having a sort of identity crisis whereby I need Judaism (but I was raised by a musician and we were not at all religious). In my quest, what comes to mind at the moment are the people I work with.. Long story short, I want to get out of there, but am over (much over) 40 and know the job market isn't even good for 20-year olds. Maybe some spiritual guidance is what I need. Sincerely, Helene (Hensaw) Laist

I am doing a leeson on the book of Esther ,and I have been told that Hathach is the prophet Daniel. Do you have anything that can comfirm this.

What does Ariella mean and is it found in the Torah any where?

What does Ariella mean and is it found in the Torah any where?

I want a copy of the issue you published regarding the Jewish expectation of the Messiah; i.e. some of the prophecies that have not been fulfilled and the nature of the Messiah, i.e. human, not divine. I had the material and have misplaced it. I would greatly appreciate your telling how to obtain it. Thank you.