According to orthodox tradition, is oral sex allowed for a married couple?

I have a 16 year old cat George. He is dying. Now he isn't eating or drinking. Should I let him just die when it happens. The vet asst. says they can go on for quite a while without eating. thank you for your halachic help. kerri

BS"D Dear Rabbi Would you be able to tell me how the cameras of the old city of Jerusalem are designed, in order to not present a halachic isuue for Shabbos? Or perhaps put me in touch with someone that can answer this question?

I am a 26 year old FFB and in the last couple of years I have had a lot of philosophical questions.I need someone who I can speak to who can give me answers.The questions I have are not simple cause I have spoken to Rabbayim and they dont seem to have answers or at leat answers that I can understood.Do you have any suggestions?Thanks

This is a followup to my last question answered by Rabbi Newman. Can I call Rabbi Newman in Israel to discuss my questions as I have already asked a few of them to Rabbi Becher and I dont want to bother him too much.Thanks