Dear Rabbi: I need the names of biblical couples whose names start with the same letter. Must be referenced in Sefer Bereishis, or Parshios Shmos or Vaeyra (text, Midrash, Rashi, wherever) Like - Noach/Naama; Aaron/Elisheva Any more you can think of? Thanks for helping! Barry Farkas

Why is Moshe considered the greatest of navi? Avraham followed every command from Hashem without question; leaving his family, wandering from place to place, sending one wife and son into the desert, offering a second son as a sacrifice. Moshe, on the other hand is constantly questioning, if not outright challenging Hashem. "I can't talk to Pharoah", "The people won't listen to me", "We have to go WHERE without a map?" I am obviously missing the key piece that elevates Moshe over the rest. What is that piece or pieces? Thanks.

Dear Rabbi: I need the names of biblical couples whose names start with the same letter. Must be referenced in Sefer Bereishis, or Parshios Shmos or Vaeyra (text, Midrash, Rashi, wherever) Like - Noach/Naama; Aaron/Elisheva Any more you can think of? Thanks for helping! Barry Farkas

Why is Moshe considered the greatest of navi? Avraham followed every command from Hashem without question; leaving his family, wandering from place to place, sending one wife and son into the desert, offering a second son as a sacrifice. Moshe, on the other hand is constantly questioning, if not outright challenging Hashem. "I can't talk to Pharoah", "The people won't listen to me", "We have to go WHERE without a map?" I am obviously missing the key piece that elevates Moshe over the rest. What is that piece or pieces? Thanks.

I'm so sorry to bother you with this quesstion. I'm really interested in learning Aramaic so as to properly understand Onkelos and the aggadic part of the Talmud. I have searched the web for an appropriate site but have been unsuccessful in finding any site which is geared to teaching absolute beginners aramaic. If you know of such a site or could recommend what I can do to begin learning the language, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much and shavua tov!