Dear Rabbi Moshe Newman, You asked me to go to Jerusalem to fulfill my wish but will you please tell me How can I? Our country Bangladesh don't have any diplometic relationship with Israel. So How can I reach there? By the way If I can go there who would arrange my living? Will I get a job there? I am M.Com (Accounting) & MBA. Will the people of Jerusalem except me, If I become a Jew? Thank You Shamim

Dear Rabbi Moshe Newman, You asked me to go to Jerusalem to fulfill my wish but will you please tell me How can I? Our country Bangladesh don't have any diplometic relationship with Israel. So How can I reach there? By the way If I can go there who would arrange my living? Will I get a job there? I am M.Com (Accounting) & MBA. Will the people of Jerusalem except me, If I become a Jew? Thank You Shamim

Hi, i'm a baal-tshuva, and i hear many things in passing about yiddishkeit, and i don't have the background enough to know if something seems funny or is 100% right. Anyway, i heard there is an opinion that above ten amos halacha doesn't apply. If that's true, I suppose everything (above 10 amos) would have a din of a n'dava as opposed to a law m'ikar hadin. Is this halacha about 10 amos true? Is it a minority opinion? or no ones opinion at all?

Hi, i'm a baal-tshuva, and i hear many things in passing about yiddishkeit, and i don't have the background enough to know if something seems funny or is 100% right. Anyway, i heard there is an opinion that above ten amos halacha doesn't apply. If that's true, I suppose everything (above 10 amos) would have a din of a n'dava as opposed to a law m'ikar hadin. Is this halacha about 10 amos true? Is it a minority opinion? or no ones opinion at all?

Dear Rabbi: How can God be considered merciful and kind when there have been and are so many catastrophic events such as the Holocaust, Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the war in Iraq, the AIDS epidemic in Africa, as well as child abuse, drug addiction and poverty? Sincerely, Jon Krafchek