Hello. I have a favor to ask of you. Last year my father died and I need to conduct an unveiling. I would prefer to pay a rabbi, but my current finances would make that impossible right now. Would you be so kind as to explain/tell me of the prayers and necessary steps for conducting a traditional Jewish unveiling for a man? Thank you very much and I appreciate your time, you are doing me a great service, Daniel S.

Is female masturbation assur/ frowned upon/ etc.? Also, what is assur for a husband to do with his wife (outside of hashchasas zera l'vatalah)? p.s. I am married and Orthodox (and woefully undereducated), if that makes any difference.

What does it mean to strive to be holy, kadosh, set apart? ow can we know true holiness and how is that possible in 2006? I know this sounds really ignorant, but I need some help here, please. Thank you

I am a B'nei Noachic and I was wondering if you could help me with some questions that I have. I want to thank you for your time and your help it is very much appreciated. In the Stone Edition of the Tanach, Isaiah 56:3 states: “Let not the foreigner, who has joined himself to HASHEM, speak, saying HASHEM will utterly separate me from His people’;” Also, in Everyman’s Tulmud by Abraham Cohen on page 63 states: “Hence even a Gentile who obeys the Torah is the equal of the High Priest’ (Sifra to xviii. 5).” And in Everyman’s Tulmud by Abraham Cohen on page 65 states: “To the Gentile who were not prepared to enter the fold of Judaism, a moral code, known as the seven commandments of the sons of Noah, was offered.” My question or questions are: Is the foreigner who has joined himself to HASHEM in Isaiah chapter 56 a full convert to Judaism or a B’nei Noach? If he is a full convert to Judaism and he is no longer considered a Gentile, then who is the Gentile who obeys the Torah that is equal of the High Priest, the B’nei Noach? Is a B’nei Noach joined to HASHEM? If so is it then permissible for a B’nei Noach to obey more of the Torah or is the B’nei Noach only joined to HASHEM by the seven Noahic commandments? Sincerely, Russell Kirk Waco, Texas

Is female masturbation assur/ frowned upon/ etc.? Also, what is assur for a husband to do with his wife (outside of hashchasas zera l'vatalah)? p.s. I am married and Orthodox (and woefully undereducated), if that makes any difference.