shalom uvebracha for 2,5 days i am with a flue or so in bed (high temparature as wel) > and i notice by myself that making proper brachas is less easy/more difficult then normaly (thee, fruit, washing hands) > i was wondering why?? (ofcourse one is less powerful now but spiritualy i shouldent be weaker now??) so please an answer on a more mystical ground? toda raba

Is there a specal prayer before or after aleinu in today's daveing specific to illness. Someone told me there is something specific for today only!! Is this true, and can you please explain? Thank you!

el dia 23 de febrero mi esposa mi hija y yo vamos hacer alya a israel vamos a vivir en ashdod y quisiera saber que shul y que yehiva me quedaria cerca del centro de absorcion y el nombre del rabino de alli

are their morals or values out side of Torah?

Can a condom be used for one who has been mekayim pru urvu (according to all opinions) and if not what is advisable for a women that cannot use pills or an IUD?