Dear Rabbi, I am Jewish, but my fiance is not. We've been talking about his possible conversion. What would be the preliminary steps for such a thing? Also, what would help in helping him make the right decision?

I'm in my 20s and am planning on getting some tattoos, but am hesitant due to the burial restrctions. What exactly is the signficance behind the 'no tattoo' rule of Jewish cemetaries? If I get one, can I definitely not be buried with my family? That seems kind of harsh...

I have always admired the Jewish faith.....however, I am African American and i dont feel that my peers would really believe and respect my decision to be Jewish. As a young child I always dreamed of a having a menorah and eating matzah ball soup. My friends used call me "chocolate gefilte". :Let me know if i should openly announce my passion for the religion or keep it as a dark secret. thanks and shalom

Rabbi, I would like to start a new business which takes photos (mostly of people) and by cutting, makes them 3-D, free standing. Thanks, Beth

hi. i am really against the whole gay lesbian thing. i was wondering why is it against the torah? i think its not right. if someone cant control their emotions, its not their fault if their born like that. so why would the torah be so against it? also which is worse... being gay or a lesbian?