What is the total number of mishnaos that make up the shas. Gutten Shabbos Aryeh

Hello, Rabbi! I have two questions: 1. Can I read "Shalom Aleichem!" at home if I just came from work, and not from the synagogue? 2. Can I perform “Havdallah” ceremony on Saturday night at home with my family, or I have to be in the synagogue? Thank you. Ira

Hello Rabbi,  My son was recently sick and all I do is pray to the Almighty that may it be his will that He bring complete healing to my son.  Usually, for someone's health,  I insert special requests in the AMIDAH. Also my wife reads specific chapters from the Tehillim. But we are often advised by fellow jews to perform some ritualistic actions which I wanted to ask about, if there is any legitimacy in them. (Infact some are advised by Rabbi's too).  Things like moving salt and rice over the body of the sick person, or moving a glass of water over the sick person or even keeping tehillim below the pillow.  Please advise if there is any substance in this. Does Judaism advise any rituals for healing the sick that can be used to suppliment our prayers. regards....Reuben Moses

A person who hears about the passing of a relative after the shiva does he sit an abbreviated shiva or in order to sit an abbreviated shiva does the news have to reach him after the shloshim ?

Hello Rabbi, My son was recently sick and all I do is pray to the Almighty that may it be his will that He bring complete healing to my son. Usually, for someone's health, I insert special requests in the AMIDAH. Also my wife reads specific chapters from the Tehillim. But we are often advised by fellow jews to perform some ritualistic actions which I wanted to ask about, if there is any legitimacy in them. (Infact some are advised by Rabbi's too). Things like moving salt and rice over the body of the sick person, or moving a glass of water over the sick person or even keeping tehillim below the pillow. Please advise if there is any substance in this. Does Judaism advise any rituals for healing the sick that can be used to suppliment our prayers. regards....Reuben Moses