Dear sirs (or madams): I have heard it said that God has no son--both from the muslims and other followers of Judaism. However, I was reading the scriptures one day and found this verse in Proverbs (Mishlei) 30:4b: "...who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?" Not only that, what's even more odd is Isaiah's proclamation: "For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called the Wonderful in council is God the Mighty, the Everlasting Father, the Ruler of peace." ...How can this be Isaiah's son? How can Isaiah give his own son the titles that belong to Yahweh? Isn't that blasphemy according to the Torah? I wouldn't think of calling Yahweh's true prophet a blasphemer for if he is a blasphemer, then how can he possibly ever hope to be Yahweh's spokesman? Wouldn't he be of the evil one if he stated such a thing? And since this is true, then how can he be Yahweh's true prophet if he speaks for the evil one? So...we have a young male child with the qualities of Yahweh being born to us--and who is this child? He can't be an ordinary human, can he? If so, then Isaiah is telling us lies and the whole Tenakh is erroneous (which is not true.) ...So, this lad appears to be a deliverer. But...what kind of deliverer? Yes, I know that he is to deliver us from evil, but what kind of evil? Yahweh promised a Messiah in the Garden of Eden--when the first parents disobeyed, the whole earth became sick. Cain killed his brother and the people continued to live in wickedness. The wickedness in their hearts came from the very first act of disobedience--the first choice to do evil. They chose of their own free will to create their own inner destruction! King David prayed, "Create in me a 'clean heart' oh Yahweh, and renew a 'right spirit' within me." Obviously, he was regretting his evil deeds against Father Yahweh and pleading for forgiveness of the stain that had come upon his heart. Moses, when talking with Yahweh, stated, "Do not remove your presence from us." Why did he say this if we had no evil intents within our hearts? Why did the priests make sure that they were holy and clean inside and out? We know of the special robes and magnificent rituals they went through in order to present themselves holy before Yahweh--but why? Yahweh wanted a clean heart--not just clean garments. Truly, Isaiah spoke the Truth when he stated, "Mend your heart and not your garments." Our hearts are full of evil--therefore, we MUST have a deliverer! The prophets prophecied of this kind of deliverer. Yahweh, in speaking through His prophet Malachi, stated that He was angry with the hearts of the people that they weren't worshipping Him in the way that He had taught them to worship--with pure hearts and clean hands. We can't offer sacrifices in the temple anymore to attone for sin--the temple was destroyed. Some say, "Do good deeds and that will suffice." No no, in the book of Deuteronomy (Devarim) 28, verse 1, it states that one must follow all the commandments in order to be pleasing to Yahweh. We can't follow all 613 commands! I can't; who can? Now, I have heard some say, "Well, we can only pray and hope Yahweh hears us"; but where is this in the Tenakh? Where? Father Yahweh required MORE then this from His followers; He wanted a pure heart too. The questions remain: 1. How can we explain the aforementioned claims of Isaiah? All we can conclude is that a son will be born and he will bear the titles of Father Yahweh. 2. King David prays for a clean heart in the Psalms and Father Yahweh DEMANDS it! How do we get a clean heart? Yahweh didn't make us this way in the beginning--if he wanted to make us in this way, then He would have made us that way in the beginning. We need a clean heart--where do we go for it? 3. The temple is destroyed--what now? How can 

Dear sirs (or madams): I have heard it said that God has no son--both from the muslims and other followers of Judaism. However, I was reading the scriptures one day and found this verse in Proverbs (Mishlei) 30:4b: "...who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?" Not only that, what's even more odd is Isaiah's proclamation: "For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called the Wonderful in council is God the Mighty, the Everlasting Father, the Ruler of peace." ...How can this be Isaiah's son? How can Isaiah give his own son the titles that belong to Yahweh? Isn't that blasphemy according to the Torah? I wouldn't think of calling Yahweh's true prophet a blasphemer for if he is a blasphemer, then how can he possibly ever hope to be Yahweh's spokesman? Wouldn't he be of the evil one if he stated such a thing? And since this is true, then how can he be Yahweh's true prophet if he speaks for the evil one? So...we have a young male child with the qualities of Yahweh being born to us--and who is this child? He can't be an ordinary human, can he? If so, then Isaiah is telling us lies and the whole Tenakh is erroneous (which is not true.) ...So, this lad appears to be a deliverer. But...what kind of deliverer? Yes, I know that he is to deliver us from evil, but what kind of evil? Yahweh promised a Messiah in the Garden of Eden--when the first parents disobeyed, the whole earth became sick. Cain killed his brother and the people continued to live in wickedness. The wickedness in their hearts came from the very first act of disobedience--the first choice to do evil. They chose of their own free will to create their own inner destruction! King David prayed, "Create in me a 'clean heart' oh Yahweh, and renew a 'right spirit' within me." Obviously, he was regretting his evil deeds against Father Yahweh and pleading for forgiveness of the stain that had come upon his heart. Moses, when talking with Yahweh, stated, "Do not remove your presence from us." Why did he say this if we had no evil intents within our hearts? Why did the priests make sure that they were holy and clean inside and out? We know of the special robes and magnificent rituals they went through in order to present themselves holy before Yahweh--but why? Yahweh wanted a clean heart--not just clean garments. Truly, Isaiah spoke the Truth when he stated, "Mend your heart and not your garments." Our hearts are full of evil--therefore, we MUST have a deliverer! The prophets prophecied of this kind of deliverer. Yahweh, in speaking through His prophet Malachi, stated that He was angry with the hearts of the people that they weren't worshipping Him in the way that He had taught them to worship--with pure hearts and clean hands. We can't offer sacrifices in the temple anymore to attone for sin--the temple was destroyed. Some say, "Do good deeds and that will suffice." No no, in the book of Deuteronomy (Devarim) 28, verse 1, it states that one must follow all the commandments in order to be pleasing to Yahweh. We can't follow all 613 commands! I can't; who can? Now, I have heard some say, "Well, we can only pray and hope Yahweh hears us"; but where is this in the Tenakh? Where? Father Yahweh required MORE then this from His followers; He wanted a pure heart too. The questions remain: 1. How can we explain the aforementioned claims of Isaiah? All we can conclude is that a son will be born and he will bear the titles of Father Yahweh. 2. King David prays for a clean heart in the Psalms and Father Yahweh DEMANDS it! How do we get a clean heart? Yahweh didn't make us this way in the beginning--if he wanted to make us in this way, then He would have made us that way in the beginning. We need a clean heart--where do we go for it? 3. The temple is destroyed--what now? How can