Hi Rabbi Here is my question. As a frum jew i follow gds commandments. My question is why do the mitzvohs? What's in it for me in keeping 613 mitzvohs and the thousands of difficult dirabanons? Why should i?????????? I have a few answeres but i want the correct answer. Answer One: By doing mitzvohs( following gds rules) on this earth while one is alive, then when that person passes away he will be rewarded by being closer to god and experiencing the(Ziv Hashicaneh). If u do a lot of aveiros u wont get close to the shichenah in the next world. Possible answer number 2. Harav avigdor miller ztl explains, we follow gds commandments because we are eternally greatfull for everything he did and does for us. For example, God performed the 10 makkos on the egyptians only, yetzious mitzrayim. kriyas yam suf, and the fact that as a frum yid im bh healthy functioning today etc etc etc. So therefore, Rabbi Miller Says i should follow gds will because i must be humble to gd. I must to whatever god wants because he is what brought me and sustains me to this point in my amazing life at every second of the minute. GOD says do my commandments, so i do them out of humbleness. 3rd possible answer: gd says do what i tell u and you will be rewarded in the next world. Dont do what i say, and you will be punished in the next world. Thats the deal. 4th answer. Do gds commandments cause you are a slave of god. A slave listens to everything the master says.

1. How to clean the Shofar? 2. What situation can blow it?

hi. i was wondering why is it a sin 2 make a wedding during a womans period. its not right. what if the woman gets it unexpevtedly?

Numbers 5:16 says that if a woman is suspected of adultry, she is to drink a mixture of water and dust from the temple: A sure way to get a deadly disease. If God, through some miracle, keeps her from a gruesome death, she is innocent. If not, she dies of bloated thigh and belly - an ugly death. This looks as humanly-inspired as the Salem witch trials or the ancient trials where people were tossed into a lake to see if they were witches. If they swam out, they were a witch because people weren't supposed to be able to swim. If they drowned then they were not witches but who cared? Tell me that there was some justification for feeding an accused woman poison and that this is something that a God would think of. It seems ludicrous.