The deli department of a local supermarket sells kosher and non-kosher meats. The department has had three slicers: one for kosher meats, one for non-kosher meats, and one for cheeses. Recently the supermarket added halal meats to their deli department, and was slicing halal meats on the kosher slicer. Does this render the slicer (and any meats subsequently sliced on it) non-kosher? Thank you.

How can myself and a friend, both in our 50's and divorced meet a shidduch for the purpose of meeting our mates? There are no activities for us in Providence. Please give us your ideas, support and help. Thank you.

How can myself and a friend, both in our 50's and divorced meet a shidduch for the purpose of meeting our mates? There are no activities for us in Providence. Please give us your ideas, support and help. Thank you.

Two questions: In the old Testament the Jewish people had a lineage, What is the lineage for the Jesish people toady? Is the waiting for the messiah as strong today as in the old Testament?

what does the bible say about the act of having the body cremated