

what is the proper procedure for cutting the end of a shofar and drilling a hole in it???

I'm so sorry to bother you with this quesstion. I'm really interested in learning Aramaic so as to properly understand Onkelos and the aggadic part of the Talmud. I have searched the web for an appropriate site but have been unsuccessful in finding any site which is geared to teaching absolute beginners aramaic. If you know of such a site or could recommend what I can do to begin learning the language, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much and shavua tov!

I understand that modesty in all realms enables spiritual fulfillment, (i.e. preventing people from becoming physical objects...), but if modesty is so fundamental then why does it not apply between spouses? It seems like marital relations oppose the laws of modesty and yet they both bring the heavenly presence into our lives. I know I must be missing something. Can you clarify? Thank you!