Is it okay to purposely hear a piece of loshon hara because I think I might need to know it to protect myslef in the future? (as long as I only take pre-cautionary actions, of course, not believing that it is true about the person)

Who are you? I saw your sign that was like "ask the rabbi" and my friend was like OMG WHO IS THAT? And I was like ohmigod, I donno, I'll ask him. So -- I'm asking YOU. Who are you other than "the rabbi"? Also, is it okay to eat pork if I don't know that it's pork when I'm eating it. Like, if someone tooootally tricked me. 'K?

why was i circumcised as an 8day old child?

please do not use my name or city of origin. our son aged 20 is working part time. he returned from work and told us that his co worker asked him if he was Jewish. He responded he was. the co worked was very happy to learn this and asked what synagogue he attended. he responded and the coworker said that he attended the community messainic congregation but that the educational director of our synagogue was teaching him Hebrew. i confirmed this and was told by the educational director that he was teaching this man (not born Jewish) as part of a Kiruv initiative. i questioned the value of this energy as well as if kiruv is contemplated as efforts to train christians who are messianic....please comment.