As a disabled person I am seeking Vocational Rehabilitation assistance to become retrained for a new career in the rabbinate. I am in need of some assistance articulating why it is either within regulations or worthy of a waiver to send me with temporary living arrangements near the yeshiva funded. B"H tuition funding is available, as is acceptance. With my disabling medical condition, commuting to this nearest yeshiva in another state is not practical. Perhaps there is someone on your staff who could give some assistance?

So, I've been it entirely ridiculous to consider converting to Judaism? I was brought up United Methodist and feel that I will never find the religious or spiritual realization in Christianity. If my heart is in the right place, would Judism be an option for me?

Our high school is doing "Fiddler on the Roof" the teacher/director wants to teach the students about jewish life in Russia at that time. We are looking for a lecturer to come to New Jersey to speak to high school students about the pogroms and the immigration to the United States as a result of the pogroms. any ideas on where i could find someone knowledgeable on this subject?

Dear Rabbi, I am Jewish, but my fiance is not. We've been talking about his possible conversion. What would be the preliminary steps for such a thing? Also, what would help in helping him make the right decision?

I'm in my 20s and am planning on getting some tattoos, but am hesitant due to the burial restrctions. What exactly is the signficance behind the 'no tattoo' rule of Jewish cemetaries? If I get one, can I definitely not be buried with my family? That seems kind of harsh...