The name Joshua, "YHWSWA", is transliterated in the LXX as "IHSOU()". What grammatical rule or rules render the (first) 'waw' silent that would cause a phonetic omission in a transliteration? George

I am getting very serious with my girlfriend and am considering getting married - the thing is that she isnt jewish - but my mother is - I have been told by my sister that this is not alowed by jewish law - the thing is that i feel like its hypocritical for me to even consider jewish law in my life - for i have spent my entire life without any jewishness whatsoever - yet i feel this extreme guilt for what i am going to do -

Could you please outline any passages from the Torah that refer to the sanctity of life?

What is the significance and order of a funeral according to Jewish belief?

B"H Shalom Rabbi and thank you for taking the time to answer my question: Question: could you please provide me with the following: according to tradition, king david authored the book of tehillim. But, which chapters of tehillim were written by: Adam, Moses, etc. Thank you