Could you please outline any passages from the Torah that refer to the sanctity of life?

What is the significance and order of a funeral according to Jewish belief?

B"H Shalom Rabbi and thank you for taking the time to answer my question: Question: could you please provide me with the following: according to tradition, king david authored the book of tehillim. But, which chapters of tehillim were written by: Adam, Moses, etc. Thank you

Dear Rabbi, I sincerely hope the following question does not offend you in any way and I assure you that this is not a joke: Background - I am a non-jewish gay man who once dated a 36 year old orthodox jew...not hasidic, but I believe he would be called 'fromm.' I was surprised at first that he could be orthodox and gay at the same time, as I presumed that being orthodox would not make such allowances. Tired of the superficial dating scene, I also thought that dating an orthodox jew might be more profound...boy, was I wrong. He turned out to be one of the most promiscuous people I have ever met, hitting the bars every week and sleeping around. My question: was he trying to have his cake and eat it, too, by being an active gay orthodox jew? Not to get too graphic, but he claimed that he was in the clear as long as he didn't engage in anal sex - is this true? While I'm curious to hear your anwer to the above, the fact does still remain that, regardless of whether or not this guy was a religious hypocrite, he's still a jerk to my mind in the way he used people. Many thanks in advance, Rabbi.

How come when it rains it pours? When things go wrong with me everything goes wrong. One thing after another.