Is homosexuality moral in Judaism? Mind you, I still intend to marry a women, I have just had some recent tendencies in the alternate direction.

My grandmother was born and austrian Jew but converted before the holocaust and is very sensitive on the subject. My family has raised me Episcopalian but I have always felt a strong pull to Judaism. Is there a good way to find out more without offending my family?

Thank you that you answered me at all. Here I shall high light the jest of the question which I asked you so that it is as brief and clear as possible. Regarding Exodus 30:11-16, what was the cause of separation from God that would justify killing us by plague if we did not pay the mandatory census korban (drawing close to) ransom offering of half a shekel? And Why were we being ransomed and needing the doing of korban least we die?

Dear Rabbi, I have heard, that there is a (Conservative movement) halachic decision that turbot (the fish) is actually kosher (despite previous decisions that it is not). What are the reasons given in that change of opinion? Sincerely, Peter Borenstein

Dear Rabbi, How does one go about converting to Judaism?