Shalom Rabbi, I need advise on a giur matter. The situation is a follows. My friend has made a giur in kibbutz Javne under supervision of Rav Avior. Furthermore for her mikve she did not cut or clean under her nails, she left cream in her hear, did not take away lose skin etc etc . Although there were 3 kosher witnesses, she was not told how to prepare for the mikvah, She only figured this out when I told her. Tell me straight forward: - Is the giur from Rav Avior kosher ? - Did she become Jewish although she did not check herself for the miveh ? Kind regards Annonomous

On a recent hunt for a new apartment, one of the people who showed me apartments was a very nice Hasidic man. After we looked at a couple apartments and we were taking our leave, I stuck my hand out to shake his hand and say I would be in touch. He very politely told me he could not shake my hand because it was against his religion. Maybe you can explain why that might be?

Is it acceptable to be gay and fabulous in Judaism? Thanks for your help.

Dear Rabbi, I love the fact that Judaism relishes and encourages questioning (as opposed to other religions that ask for "faith). Can you explain the origin of this?