A Levi, "Shmuel," married a non-Jewish woman. They had a son, "Chayim". Years later, the son converted halachically to Judaism and he now lives a Torah-observant life. Does the "Levi" pedigree continue from the father Shmuel to the son Chayim, where Jewishness was interrupted but so-to-speak restored by the Giyur. Can the son be called up to the Torah as "Chayim ben Shmuel haLevi" or be recognized as a Levi in any Jewish life-cycle matter, e.g. in a Ketuba or inscription on a gravestone? Or is the "HaLevi" appellation and all synagogue-life rights and obligations associated with it lost?

I heard recently that there is a Midrashic source which says that Haman was responsible for the death of one Jew. I was wondering if you had heard of this, and if so, who it was that was killed? Thanks Rik

My father died last year, Saturday night, April 16, 2005 (1 week before Pesach). The funeral took place on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, which is when I began saying Kaddish. When do I stop saying Kaddish this year?

Thank you so much for your kind and consoling words and your speedy response to my recent question about when to stop saying Kaddish. It is nice to know you are out there.