Hi! I have an interesting question. This may seem a little weird, but I'm like a little frustrated, and I'd love to be able to help myself. I'm a 17 year old ultra orthodox girl. I really try to be a good yid, and to do whatever good I can. I'm definitely not a tzedekas, there are (too many, unfortunately) time when I do fall through.. But, what I'm writing to you now, is about tefillah. I am not in school, anymore, however, I do make an effort to daven as much as I can every day. I daven while I travel in the morning and say my tehillim on my way home. However, although I do manage to at least a part of the tefillos every day, I definitely need improvement. As much as I try, my tefillos really lack kavanah. And I feel really bad about that. I promise myself to work harder on that, but when it comes to it, I just quickly say the words, like a routine. It's not like they're coming from my heart. On most days, I only have time for birchas hashachar, krias shema, a short yiddish tefillah, the yom, kavey, and ani mamins. Sometimes, i do have time for the whole thing, but even then, somehow I can't have proper kavanos. I rush through them. Even on shabbos, some tefillos, I start out with concentration and everything, but when I reach the end, I realize I'm chapping arein the words again. It's not coming from my heart. And, I know and understand, that tefillah is also very much for my benefit, but I still have problems concentrating and saying them properly. Also, as far as my tehillim goes, I do have a set amount of perekum, that I say every day. I say the yom hochodesh, certain perukim, that I've been assigned to, and several others, as well. On shabbos, I make sure the say the entire yom shabbos, plus several other extra perukim, as well. However, I do not have proper kavanah. I really try hard, and this bothers me very much. I really want my davening and tehillim to be worthy and be a zechus. However, I know I'm not doing things right, and I'd love to know how I can help myself. Is there any suggestion you have, that I can try? Is there anything I can do to help myself? Please? Thank you very much! May all this be a zechus on your behalf! Thank you very much.

in Num 15:38 we are told "to put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue" My question is how many? Is it a single ribband of blue, or as many as we like, or some specific number?