Dear Rabbi, Today is Rosh Chodesh. What it is all about? What Jew people naturaly do this day? Please clear it to me. And please tell me in what chapter I will find it in HOLY TORAH. Thank You. Shamim

Jewish men put on tefilin during Chol Hamoed Pesach outside of Israel, but in Israel, Jewish men do NOT put on tefilin during Chol Hamoed Pesach. Why is there a difference? Thank you,

I have a question about a "vacht Nacht" does the baby have to be at the place where the seudeh is taking place? thanks

To whom this may concern My name is Eliezer Klughaupt i am looking for a job for Pesach & was wondering if you have any jobs available I was a Mashgiach the past 2 years for the Gross & Schechter pesach with Sharmel Caterers in Princton NJ I am a photographer & i run a waitering service throughout the year have many years of waiting experience can you please contact me if you have any positions in mashgiach or waiting jobs still open. My email is & my phone number is (732) 267-1349 THANK YOU