My friend is about to go to the mikvah after a three-year conversion process. She has become very close with the Conservative Rabbi who is converting her, and would like to get her a thank you gift. What sort of gift would be appropriate? She lives outside of Chicago, Illinois, and is converting in March.

I have recently misplaced the engagment ring my chatan gave me. I have not been able to find it, and I fear it may be lost. While I continue to search for it, is there anything I should be wearing to indicate that I am a kallah?

I am shomer negiah. My friend, Caleb, is a crossdresser. What do I do when Caleb is cross-dressed?

I am shomer negiah. My friend, Caleb, is a crossdresser. What do I do when Caleb is cross-dressed?

My grandmother was born and austrian Jew but converted before the holocaust and is very sensitive on the subject. My family has raised me Episcopalian but I have always felt a strong pull to Judaism. Is there a good way to find out more without offending my family?