Can you please help me with this personal issue. Are there any circumstances that would give a child a hetter from saying kaddish for a parent if the parent was physically or emotionally abusive throughout the lifetime of the child?

hi. i was wondering how do i ask my husband when im ready 2 have a realationship and go to the next step? the real step? actually having sex with him? i really want to do it in the most appropriate way. also.... what do i say thats appropriate during our sex? what bed do we do it on (we sleep in seperate beds)?

what happens if you get your period when your in the middle of having sex? what if you get it when your in the middle of the mikvah? why does a jewish women have to go to the mikvah? why is having your perion unpure?

I have 2 Questions: 1) How do we know that G-d didn't just create the world, and then step back? How do we know agnosticism is false? 2) How do we know that our Neviim were real and not false prophets? Why do we believe what they said? Thank you so much. Please get back to me as soon as you can.

the new testament in Jude verse 9 states that the angel Michael contended with satan regarding the burial place of Moses, and said "The Lord rebule you". Is there a reference to this and why would Michael not rebuke satan himself?