Hi! I have an interesting question. This may seem a little weird, but I'm like a little frustrated, and I'd love to be able to help myself. I'm a 17 year old ultra orthodox girl. I really try to be a good yid, and to do whatever good I can. I'm definitely not a tzedekas, there are (too many, unfortunately) time when I do fall through.. But, what I'm writing to you now, is about tefillah. I am not in school, anymore, however, I do make an effort to daven as much as I can every day. I daven while I travel in the morning and say my tehillim on my way home. However, although I do manage to at least a part of the tefillos every day, I definitely need improvement. As much as I try, my tefillos really lack kavanah. And I feel really bad about that. I promise myself to work harder on that, but when it comes to it, I just quickly say the words, like a routine. It's not like they're coming from my heart. On most days, I only have time for birchas hashachar, krias shema, a short yiddish tefillah, the yom, kavey, and ani mamins. Sometimes, i do have time for the whole thing, but even then, somehow I can't have proper kavanos. I rush through them. Even on shabbos, some tefillos, I start out with concentration and everything, but when I reach the end, I realize I'm chapping arein the words again. It's not coming from my heart. And, I know and understand, that tefillah is also very much for my benefit, but I still have problems concentrating and saying them properly. Also, as far as my tehillim goes, I do have a set amount of perekum, that I say every day. I say the yom hochodesh, certain perukim, that I've been assigned to, and several others, as well. On shabbos, I make sure the say the entire yom shabbos, plus several other extra perukim, as well. However, I do not have proper kavanah. I really try hard, and this bothers me very much. I really want my davening and tehillim to be worthy and be a zechus. However, I know I'm not doing things right, and I'd love to know how I can help myself. Is there any suggestion you have, that I can try? Is there anything I can do to help myself? Please? Thank you very much! May all this be a zechus on your behalf! Thank you very much.

in Num 15:38 we are told "to put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue" My question is how many? Is it a single ribband of blue, or as many as we like, or some specific number?

My co-Madrich and I have put together a pub midrash for our Chanichim and we were wondering if you could maybe give us some information (mostly sources and criticism) on Inter-Jewish non-Jewish socializing. Mostly connected to friendships and drinking but frankly we will take anything you could throw at us. Primarily we would like to know the laws and regulations surrounding that topic and how much it is allowed or discouraged.

I am so enjoying all I am learning in the 92nd Street Y Gateways lecture series, "The Big Questions". Are you planning to continue it or offer another section in the future?