I am doing a project on the holocaust for my R.S Judaism coursework. I was wondering what your view is on this quote, "The past should be Forgiven and Forgotten" in relation to the holocaust. I would really appreciate you're answer as am finding it hard to gather information. Thankyou

I would like to doanload parashat Vikra(April 1) and print it is there a site that I can do it . Thanks, Nathan

Where in the Talmud is the story about the rabbi who took fruit not his own and claimed that he took the friuit becuase his head was not covered. From this came the injunction for Jewish men to always wear a headcovering out of "Yirat Malka". I undertsatnd this to be the source of the word "yarmulka".

As it is my understanding, for passover, matzo must be made in 18 minutes from the time the water touchs the flour as it says that you should safeguard the flour. And it is forbidden to have any leavened prodeucts for these days as you will be cut off from Isreal. Why can't you make pasta from the flour ans water as it is also unleaven, can be made and cooked in under 18 minutes and onced cooked, can not be made to leaven

What is "shatnes"? (I believe it is a law prohibiting the mixing of linen and wool in fabrics).